Zuly Garcia
Zuly Garcia is a Los Angeles photographer, activist, and community organizer. Zuly is a senior that attends CSULB, her major is Sociology with a Minor is Queer Studies & Art Photography. Her inspiration towards her art range from political views, social problems, social constructs, to, colorful, flowery, self love, and abstract installations. Zuly's passion for photography began at 13 years old and she originally started shooting concert/event photography. Overtime, she branched to different photography and fell in love with the arts. Since then Zuly has been displaying her art in many exhibits and local art shows in Los Angeles. Garcia's work has been featured by Mic News, NPR USA Latino, Mitú, Undocumedia, and Hip Latina. As well as Orange is the New Black celebrity Dianna Guerrero's page.
Her work is very inclusive to her community and embraces her models city / culture and lifestyle. Garcia's work is not limited to just the arts but also does work globally and locally. Zuly Garcia is a community director for a grassroots non-profit organization called "Lets.Give" to help create internships, events, fundraisers, and volunteer opportunities to high school and college students.
Recently, Garcia started her own fundraiser to help those affected by the 8.2 Earthquake in the southern born of Mexico. As a Oaxaqueña, Garcia raised 10,000 dollars in Los Angeles for resources and donated them directly to families affected. Overall, Garcia is a culturally diverse artist that embraces multicultural and diverse narratives at home and abroad.