Are you a Halloween person? Or are you one of those monsters who couldn't be bothered? Or... maybe you're the kind of person we all fervently deny being but secretly all identify with: the person who loves the idea of Halloween, swears that dressing up in clever costumes is their greatest joy, and then finds that as the Big Day draws around they just can't muster up the energy to give a damn and get it together. (Don't lie. We see you.)
If that's you (we know it's you), this month's SELF CARELESS—a month-by-month chronicle of one person's best intentions for Halloween falling by the wayside—should be right up your alley. Or maybe it'll hit too close to home and depress you so much that you'll find yourself unable to get out of bed on Halloween this year, the year you swore things were going to be different. Who's to say, really?
SELF CARELESS is an Adolescent-exclusive comic series by the amazing Catherina Horan. Follow Stella the Gecko as they battle everyday self-care crises concerning anxiety, misogyny, and life as it is now. SELF CARELESS updates once every month.
Monica Ekabutr
Rhyan & Catherina
Catherina Horan
Monica Ekabutr