We're excited to share our latest Creative Grant winner, Ella Fields! Our theme this month was VIBRANCY and what better way to showcase that than with an 80s prom and alien abductions?
When given the theme of vibrancy, the only vision running through my mind was that of a bright, colorful ‘80s prom full of synthesizers, streamers, and hairspray. Boogie Night Or Die! is about an alien invasion taking place on prom night. Although scary, the incident brings the teens closer together, for the only way to defeat the alien is to dance. As it turns out, though, the alien doesn’t want to cause any harm—it just wants to listen to rock. Having never done a period piece before, I knew this would be a challenge for me visually, especially since I didn’t want to include any dialogue. I was really excited to be working with fellow artists on wardrobe, hair, makeup, and set design in order to make my abstract vision come to life. This one-day shoot was a blast, and it ended up bringing new people together as well as reuniting old friends. It was definitely a challenge directing so many people in a 90-degree auditorium, but with every project comes new tools and new lessons learned! I hope you enjoy Boogie Night Or Die!
@aadiagracee, @ambercheese, @sirdomenic, @spaghettidood, @millarouss3au, @idiglove, @samkps
Director/Producer/DP/Writer: @elllafields
Assistant DP: @julian_that_kid
Production Design: @zoe.elena
Hair & Makeup: @nikkiboyer
Wardrobe: @alinafooley
PA: @catherine.atkins, @leaaheliinore, @minnieve, @tayafields, @tommyfieldsmusic, @lilamcniffty
Olivia Morrison
Hank Dobson
Brittany Menjivar